Why is remote teeth straightening the #1 choice for globetrotters?

Table of contents
#2 All aligners are shipped to you (wherever you are!)
#3 Remote teeth straightening gives you access to your orthodontist on demand
#4 Fully mobile experience – no paperwork or printing required
#5 No emergency appointments to fix broken brackets or wires
Let’s take a look at how remote teeth straightening helps people get the smile they want on the go! Whether you started working from your laptop while exploring the world or moved permanently to a new country, that should not hold you back when it comes to teeth straightening. Even though attending or even booking appointments in advance is a difficult task under such conditions, you shouldn’t have to choose between your smile and a new exciting life.
#1 No in-clinic appointments with the teeth straightening app
From the free e-consultation to the final review everything is asynchronous, meaning you can message your orthodontist whenever you want and get answered right away.
Everything is done via the teeth straightening app with no need for “facetime” appointments. This means you can ask your questions when commuting from work, going to meet a friend for coffee or even in your pajamas! You can see all of your conversation history, past photos and track your progress too at any given time. This frees you up from in-clinic appointments and opens up the possibility to all those people constantly on the move or travelling at short notice for freelance projects, for instance.
Some of us might even live in multiple locations, take our co-founders as an example. They perfectly understand how beneficial it is to have total freedom and the convenience of always being able to access your doctor or dentist remotely.
At Straight Teeth Direct, everyday we welcome new users that choose us mainly because they know they will be moving or traveling soon and don’t want their treatment to be put on hold.
#2 All aligners are shipped to you (wherever you are!)
Your aligners are manufactured in stages to make sure they are programmed to fit your needs based on your progress. That’s how we are able to guarantee results as per your agreement.
If you move for a few months, that’s no problem at all! With Straight Teeth Direct you can get your aligners shipped to you at multiple locations at no extra cost. Just make sure to head over to your message tab and let us know you’re moving in advance. This means you can literally travel with a rucksack and know your teeth straightening journey will be with you every step of the way.
Some of our users started their aligner treatment in Europe and finished in Asia. Others have been in more than 3 locations over the course of their smile transformation.
#3 Remote teeth straightening gives you access to your orthodontist on demand
Many patients with fixed braces struggle to find a new dentist to take over their case in another country after having moved abroad. They think this is a simple case of the local dentist “adjusting” or “tightening” the brackets, but the sad reality is most dentists won’t take over what is known as a transfer case. They say they aren’t sure of the original dentist’s plans, and demand all records, x-rays, models and info before treating you. Even then they may not take full responsibility for the outcome.
On top of that, many dentists will charge close to the full brace fee for taking over your case. This means that “easy appointments” becomes a nightmare of trying to coordinate two clinics.
With Straight Teeth Direct remote teeth straightening platform, your digital orthodontist travels with you inside your pocket so that you never have an issue. In case you lose or break one of your invisible aligners, you can just pop your previous (or next) aligner in while you wait for the replacement to arrive. Simple!
#4 Fully mobile experience – no paperwork or printing required
If you order your SmileBox you’ll get a pre-printed prepaid return label to make your life easier. All medical forms and agreements are signed online, that way you keep a copy at hand all the time by keeping it on your phone without having to print or scan anything.
Travelling in multiple buses, coaches, trains, planes, and cars means that you have to pack light. You won’t take lots of things with you and you certainly won’t want to carry loads of paperwork with you.
#5 No emergency appointments to fix broken brackets or loose wires
With fixed braces you are going to run into broken brackets a lot and the reason for this is – you have to eat! Eating and chewing exerts a lot of forces and means that the brackets are constantly under pressure. Unfortunately when they debond and come away this creates two problems:
1) It sure hurts – loose wires and brackets are sharp! They cut through your tongue, lips and can even hurt when speaking. This means you have to stop whatever you are doing and go find a dentist for an emergency appointment.
2) It takes you off track! The loose bracket/wire may cause other teeth to be moved out of position. A fixed brace is a very precise appliance designed to apply forces on different teeth in a controlled level to the millimeters. By losing a bracket the whole force distribution is unbalanced and it increases the forces in a particular tooth in an uncontrolled way, leading to pain, looseness and adding time to your treatment.
Overall mobile teeth straightening is perfect for the globe trotting professional who wants to be able to face life with the best smile they can.

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