These aligners work great in my active lifestyle! | Joe’s guest blog

Hi there, I’m Joe! I’m a web developer and downhill skateboarder representing Boardlogic Skateboards. I’ve always had a huge, toothy smile and had never been conscious of my crooked teeth, but I knew deep down that they weren’t perfect. The main reason I chose to straighten my teeth was because I used to rub my tongue against a particularly sharp edge of a tooth if I got stressed. I’m happy to say these invisible aligners work and now that my teeth are straight, I don’t have that habit anymore. I’m more proud than ever of my smile!
#1 My dentist introduced me to how invisible aligners work
I’ve always considered getting my teeth straightened, but last year I finally had the opportunity to do so. I went to a few local dentistry practices to get a quote for teeth straightening and they introduced me to the clear aligner treatment. I liked the sound of it all but the dentist’s prices were astronomical and I didn’t feel like I had a good customer experience. I’m a futurist and liked the sound of how these aligners work, but I couldn’t help but feel that I was paying a surcharge for their ground-rent, reception staff and noisy coffee capsule machine. After a quick search on google for teeth straightening, my instagram dutily populated my feed with related adverts and that’s when I stumbled upon Straight Teeth Direct. The rest, they say, is history.
#2 These aligners work from the comfort of home
I chose Straight Teeth Direct’s clear aligner treatment over traditional braces or other alternatives because they were see-through, removable and didn’t require multiple trips to the dentist. The idea that I could get everything I needed delivered to my house, make professional dental impressions and have the aligners work to achieve my smile goals from home was really appealing to me. It also made me question why I’d ever considered taking a day off work and pay a dentist to do the same thing. Straight Teeth Direct™ were cheaper, more convenient and had excellent customer support, so it was the logical choice for me.
#3 First, I watched user reviews to make sure the aligners work
I did a lot of research before I started this process. I must have watched hours of review videos online before making my decision. I concluded that the aligners work for pretty much everyone, and most people had a great experience with home-delivery clear aligner treatment. Those that didn’t fit into one of three categories: they were such perfectionists that they’d never be happy with their result, they deviated from the recommended treatment plan (some people filed their own teeth!) or they couldn’t push through the initial unfamiliar feeling of having the aligners in their mouths. I contacted Straight Teeth Direct’s customer support to test the water before I parted ways with my cash. I was impressed with their quick and cheery responses on how their process and aligners work, so I knew they were legit. Their instagram feed was full of real people and real results, which was reassuring, too.
#4 I’m now 100% through and love how these aligners work in my daily life
Once you get over the initial unfamiliarity of having aligners in your mouth – which usually takes a few days to a week – you can easily forget that you have them in. Putting them in and taking then out when eating is another thing that becomes routine and unobtrusive in your day-to-day life. My personal tip is to wait 15 mins after eating before flossing, brushing and putting your retainers back in because food will naturally leave your mouth in that time and the whole process is a lot easier when compared to brushing immediately. I’ve been quite relaxed with my aligner habits and I’ve never lost or damaged mine. The aligner box that they provide is really useful, but I often put them in my shirt top pocket for safekeeping. It’s not best practice, but it’s often where keeping the aligners works for me. Whatever your lifestyle is, you quickly find a way to incorporate your aligners into your life.
#5 Smooth process, treatment and aligners
The initial consultation and moulding process was really fast for me. It felt like it took a little longer for the first batch of aligners to arrive because I was excited to start the treatment, but it was probably only a week or so. If you compare that with a dentist appointment, I don’t think it’d be too different. Overall, the process was really smooth. The check-ups are regular and they were always willing to address any questions or concerns I had along the way.
Most people didn’t know I wore aligners until I took them out to eat. Even when I put them back in they said they still couldn’t see them, which is great.
#6 My recommendation for your orthodontic treatment
Personally, I’ve not had any problems with Straight Teeth Direct™. I think their service and product are great, and clearly the aligners work, so I’ve been recommending them to anyone who’s asked about my treatment. Ultimately though, you have to go with what works for you. Do your research, think about your budget and how much time you have to commit to trips to the dentist.
#7 Stick to your treatment plan!
During my journey I started off very eager to straighten my teeth as quickly as I could. It was hard for me to wait for the full 14 days to pass before putting a new aligner in because I felt that they weren’t as tight as they first were when I put them in. I was advised not to do this because the design is for the aligners work over a specific time period, but I did it anyway. The consequence was that I ended up having to re-mould my teeth at the end of my projected treatment plan to finish off the process. It was my fault entirely, but Straight Teeth Direct™ were understanding of this and politely helped me get to my desired end goal, which I’m really happy with. My final advice is to wait the full 14 days before changing aligners!

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