Teeth aligners cost made simple!

One of our users’ main concerns is how much the teeth aligners cost, so here are their most common questions and what you can expect from each step of the process.
#1: How are payments done?
Once you register, you can place your orders through your own password-secured account. After completing that, the payments will be done through a trusted app payment processor: Stripe.
Stripe is the number 1 payment app in the world and it’s super secure and safe for you to use. The payments will be done automatically by stripe, and each time a payment is taken, you will get an e-mail with your invoice.
#2: How much do the teeth aligners cost in my currency?
On the website, we show how much the teeth aligners cost in euros and in Pound Sterlings, but what does that correspond to in your currency? All the payments are done in £ if you have an address in the UK or in Euros if you have an address outside the UK, so if you are out of the euro-zone, the price will be the equivalent in your currency, on the day of the transaction.
We have actually added a currency convertor on the pricing page for your convenience, so you can check the transaction rate on the day you will be submitting your payment.
#3: How much is it for one arch only?
Another common question is about how much it costs to get just the upper or lower arch straightened.
Most of the time, moving only a few teeth on the front or on the bottom also means moving the teeth around them to create the space for them to move into. It’s important that you plan on having both upper and lower teeth adjusted to end up with good results: a balanced smile and teeth that look good together.
That being said, you might only need a few aligners on your top arch, for example. The good news is: our price is fixed, no matter what your treatment requires, so there is no extra cost involved for having both arches aligned.
#4: Do you do price match?
When looking for your ideal teeth straightening solution, there are a few factors to have in mind. Firstly, are you looking for invisible aligners and not fixed braces? Secondly, are you getting treatment for both your top and lower teeth? And are you expected to pay more during the process or is is it an all inclusive price?
Another factor to consider is, does it include the removable retainers to make sure your teeth don’t move back at the end of the treatment? With Straight Teeth Direct™, this is included in your original treatment, which would otherwise cost a couple of hundred euros or pounds.
The last factor to have in mind is if you will need to pay extra if you lose or break your aligners by any chance, or if your treatment takes longer than expected. With us, that cost is covered, thanks to our Guarantees, as we understand that accidents happen sometimes.
#5: Can I pay monthly for my teeth straightening kit?
Sure, you can choose to pay monthly. At Straight Teeth Direct™, we actually offer you 3 different payment instalments for you to choose from. You can check our Pricing page to see which one suits you best.
#6: What if I need more aligners?
Our prices are fixed, meaning that they cover your entire treatment until the smile goals laid out in your treatment plan are achieved. This means that any extra aligners would also be covered 🙂
#7: How much is it if I have to order a new impression kit?
If you mess up your first impression kit, you won’t need to worry. We will send you another one that is custom made to fit your arch shape, so you can ensure a good impression at no extra cost.
Do you have any more questions about how much teeth aligners cost? Get in touch or read these insights into braces cost that you won’t find anywhere else.

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